Truth #54 – Without Jesus: Christ

Conventional interpretations of the significance of Christ will not help us transcend the illusions, pain and suffering so prevalent in the Global Village today. Therefore, we must let go of those beliefs. Yes, we are going to have to do without the conventional interpretation of Jesus. So, what are we without Jesus?

“‘Without Jesus’ means without attributing to him any powers beyond the natural, human power everyone has: that of being a culturally determined, historically relative interpreter of one’s world and one’s life. This means that for all natural gifts and talents he once displayed, and regardless of whether one chooses to take him as a model for enacting the kingdom, Jesus is ultimately dispensable. He is not irreplaceable—in fact, he demands to be displaced so that one can get to what he is about. Jesus is not the object of the message he preached. The proclaimer of the kingdom gives way to the reality he proclaimed.”[i]

“Even the men who wrote the Gospels did not understand the meaning of these parables, so the first misinterpretations and distortions crept in as they were written down. With subsequent erroneous interpretations, the real meaning was completely lost. These are parables not about the end of the world but about the end of psychological time. They point to the transcendence of the egoic mind and the possibility of living in an entirely new state of consciousness.”[ii]

The Simple Reality Principles point to the transcendence of mind and body. Simple Reality is the mantra for a new state of consciousness and a new identity.


Supplemental Reading: Christ, The ABC’s of Simple Reality, Vol 1


#54 Without Jesus

[i]       Sheehan, Thomas. The First Coming. New York: Random House, 1986, p. 224.

[ii]       Tolle, Eckhart. The Power of Now. Novato, California: New World Library, 1999, p. 79.

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