It’s Only a Matter of Time …

It’s only a matter of time before someone tells me  that “You’re losing touch with reality.” That is precisely what I want to hear. That is the goal of my mindfulness practice. As I lose touch with the old reality (illusion), a new reality (Truth) is revealed. This new Truth involves understanding how the old reality is unsatisfactory, how the old reality doesn’t last, and that the ego-centered identity in the old reality was the source of all of my suffering. This shift to a new reality sets me free as I arrive into the present moment. I have returned to the Garden of Now. I arrive at the Eden that I never left and experience the joy once again.

They will also say, “I worry about your behavior.”

“Why is that?” I would reply. “What behavior are you referring to?”

They might say something like, “I can’t put my finger on it but you seem strange—and yet happy. How can you be happy and behave so differently than you used to behave?”

“It’s simple,” I would say. “Have nothing, know nothing and do nothing.”

If they thought I was strange before they will now give up on me as a hopeless case, a person enthralled by some mysterious dogma or cult figure. I am happy for no good reason. That is because happiness transcends reason. That is because I am and have always been happiness itself.  Happiness is my natural state.


For a much more in-depth discussion on Simple Reality, read Simple Reality: The
Key to Serenity and Survival
, by Roy Charles Henry, published in 2011.
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