Theatre has been in our culture for thousands of years. In most great plays we are able to see ourselves on stage, we relate to the characters, we feel their pain and their heartbreak, their success and their failure. As Shakespeare said “all the world’s a stage.”
The many theatre pieces chosen here are notable and instructive for our purposes because the playwrights are attempting to deal with what Simple Reality calls the “false self.” Enjoy.
Theatre Table of Contents
- Introduction: Thespians All
- All the World’s a Stage
- Guide to Writing Plays
- Escaping and Purging
- Oedipus Asleep
- Sophocles and Suffering
- The Middle Path
- Trapped in Suffering
- William Shakespeare
- Shakespeare and Feminine Wisdom
- Comedie Moderne
- Grace, Works or Predestination
- The Farcical False-Self
- Pirandello the Profound
- Folly: Acting and the Cult of Celebrity
- Thornton Wilder
- Eugene O’Neill’s America
- Theatre as Social Criticism
- Intuition in the Theatre
- Tennessee Williams
- Arthur Miller
- Absurdly Real
- A Modern Buddha
- Stephen Sondheim
- Humor, Hysteria and the Holidays
- Suffering is Universal
- Mamet, the Hound of Heaven
- Look in the Mirror
- What is Normal?
- La Vida Loca (The Crazy Life)
- America: A Trilogy for the Theatre
- Perfervid Cupidity
Find a much more indepth discussion in books by Roy Charles Henry.