Volume 1
Volume 2
Truth – Introduction
Volume 1 – Taking Responsibility
#3 The Four Freedoms and the Three Distinctions: Choice and The Great Choice
#4 The Buffet or the Lifeboats: Paradigm-A and Paradigm-B
$5 Formulaic Reality: The Algebra of Simple Reality
#6 Puzzling Analysis: The Other
#9 Mutually Assured Destruction: Sexuality
#10 Exploiting Women: History – His-story and Her-story
#11 Rape-Colored Skin: Denial, Lies and Secrets
#13 An Attitude of the Heart: Nonviolence
#14 Policy So Foreign: Nationalism
#15 Creating Consciousness: The Shadow
#17 The Devil Made Me Do It: True Self and False Self
#18 Unconscious Choice: Religion
#19 White Supremacy: Christianity
#22 Hot Air: Pairs of Opposites
#23 Losing Our Grip On Civilization: Fear
#25 Mindfulness: The Point of Power Practice
#26 The Continuum: Response and Reaction
#27 Disaffection of the Deplorables: Afflictive Emotions
#28 Healing Hate: Feeling and Emotion
#29 Clockwork Mechanism: Science
#30 American Hustle: Attitudes, Beliefs and Values
#31 Slide Into Chaos: Chaos and Chaos Theory
#34 Maximizing Wealth and Power: Compassion
#35 Mammon: Cooperation and Competition
#36 All the Fear Money Can Buy: Change
#37 Merrily We Cruise Along: War
#38 Self-Deception: The Great Denial
#39 Embracing Reality: Self-Reliance
#40 Transcending Dis-ease: Health
Volume 2 – The Truth Revealed
#43 Which Reality: The Absolute and the Relative
#44 Creating Community: Integration and Disintegration
#45 The Big Picture: Bio-communication
#46 The Ultimate Terror (or a): Near Death Experience (NDE)
#47 Common Sense: Paradigm Shift
#48 Schizophrenic Nation: Psychology
#49 Witnessing: Meditation and Meditation Again
#50 The Slayer of Dragons: Mythology
#51 Shadowtime: The Great Paradox
#52 The Archetypal Rescuer: Anima and Animus
#53 Captive Energy: Archetypes
#56 The Pinocchio Effect: Good and Bad
#57 More than Reason: The Soul
#59 A Larger Picture: Absurdity
#60 Morphic Resonance: The Collective Unconsciousness
#61 Mind in All: Consciousness I
#62 The Awakening Process: Consciousness II
#63 Our Mutilated Condition: Paradox
#64 Longing for Empathy: Affinity
#67 Oh! My Aching Head: Intuition and Intellect
#68 Annica, Anatta and Dukkha: Buddhism
#69 The Real and the Unreal: Impermanence
#72 “I Am But a Fag End”: Reality
#73 The Nonlinear Domain: Evolution
#74 Beyond Time and Space: Time
#75 Where’s the Leak: The Spiritual Path
#78 Alert Presence: The Present Moment
#79 Amplitude of Infinity: Implicate Order
#80 Non-Ordinary States: Peak Experience
#81 Full Speed Backwards: Oneness