#13 True Self and False Self

“this interior wisdom [is] the True Self”

The human mind has shattered the reality of Oneness (P-A) and created the worldview of duality (P-B). This illusion is apparent today as we become further alienated from our true identity and struggle to escape our existential fear. Most of us experience our false self so vividly that we take this to be reality. It isn’t. The false self is a composite of multiple parts—our physical body, mind, perception, emotions and reactions—meaning, dualism.

The false self is described in Affluenza: The All-Consuming Epidemic (2002), by De Graaf et al. Our pursuit is a “painful, contagious, socially transmitted condition of overload, debt, anxiety and waste resulting from the dogged pursuit of more.”[i]  Chasing something that is not there is indeed a sad spectacle but typical of the false self in the context of P-B. 

Clearly humanity is exclusively focusing on the material world as opposed to the transcendent “world.” This has proven to be a fundamental cause of human suffering and self-destruction in the Global Village. Materialism is not only one of the causes of our suffering but part of the illusion we use to distract us from our suffering. Such is the insanity of the false self in a P-B worldview.

“True freedom can only be possible when we internalize the Truth that we are not an ephemeral human body, mind or emotion-driven animal but we are pure energy, indestructible and existing in the eternal NOW beyond the confines of time and space, beyond suffering and anxiety. That is our True identity.”[ii] 

Insight # 13 comes to us from Roy Charles Henry (b. 1938). He is the creator of The Simple Reality Project. 

“We can label this interior wisdom as the ‘True Self.’ It is what is referred to in the statement ‘I am THAT.’ Our True Self is beyond ego, the false self or any sense of a separate ‘I’ or ‘me.’ In the present moment, the True Self is detached from craving and aversion and has no desire to have, know or do anything. It is profoundly free. Our True identity has no history and no process of becoming, it simply is. Therefore, it can only be ‘felt’ when all false-self pursuits cease.”[iii]  


Additional Reading:


#13 True Self and False Self

[i]   Dowd, Maureen. “America recovers from affluenza.” The Denver Post, April 2, 2009, p. 15B. 

[ii]   Henry, Roy Charles. “Introduction.Who Am I? October 2013, p. v. 

[iii] Henry, Roy Charles. “The Story that Works (Paradigm A).” Who Am I? October 2013, p. 9. 

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