Truth #27 – Disaffection of the Deplorables: Afflictive Emotions

A deplorable is a person deserving of censure or contempt. As Hillary Clinton found out in the presidential campaign of 2016, it might be best to keep such judgements to oneself.

As the insightful Brugh Joy recommended: “Don’t judge, don’t compare and release the need to know why.” When we judge others, it’s because we are feeling an afflictive emotion and reacting by projecting upon those that we believe we have reason to fear. These behaviors are causing the disintegration of the American community.

Did the democrats repeat their past mistakes in the 2020 U.S. election? “In the 1960s and 70s, liberals overplayed their hand and failed to see the growing disaffection of Americans who felt cut out or left behind.”[i]

Maybe if we understood what is really happening, we could begin to respond to the Reality of who we are rather than the illusion of who we are not. Then perhaps we would no longer have to deal with the disaffection of the deplorables.


Supplemental Reading: Afflictive Emotions, The ABC’s of Simple Reality, Vol 1


#27 Disaffection of the Deplorables

[i]       Thomas, Evan. “How Ronald Reagan Rose—and Rose.” The New York Times Book Review. September 27, 2020, p. 9.

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