Truth #32 – Audacious: Ego

To ensure its survival, the ego (false self) becomes focused on winning, learning, alliances, accumulation of possessions, data collection, IT skills, etc., and a vicarious identification with the people who seem to be doing all of those things well.

We must be very careful how we define success. Like the word audacious, success can have two very different meanings. If America is to recover from the polarization that has split our community into two warring camps, we must learn to distinguish between leaders who exemplify the positive meaning of audacious and those who manifest audacious behavior in a manner which suggests that they are clinically ill. In other words we would do well to support the True self in creating the America of the future rather than the destructive false self. What does True success look like?

When Americans elected Barack Obama president, they chose an audacious leader–one who was bold, daring, fearless, intrepid, brave, unflinching and unafraid. He did his best to express his True self in trying to heal the growing divisiveness in a disintegrating community.

Donald Trump was also an audacious leader who chose to express his false self in leading the nation–impudent, impertinent, insolent, foolish and indiscreet. The effect of his leadership heightened fear in the American community causing many to lose sight of the principals of Oneness on which this country was founded.

We are a nation of diverse peoples who are, nevertheless, inter-connected, inter-related and inter-dependent. When the threads that hold our nation together are broken, we descend into the chaos of fear and anger.


Supplemental Reading: Ego, The ABC’s of Simple Reality, Vol 1



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