Truth #60 – Morphic Resonance: The Collective Unconscious

In the previous essay we identified human behaviors that could be modified to prevent the human community’s descent into self-destructive chaos. If we choose to.

In this essay we reveal the fundamental cause of irrational, absurd human behavior. Few of us are aware of the cause, and even fewer want to acknowledge it.

First, we can’t change unhealthy behaviors or respond to universal archetypes and myths that define our identity if we are unaware of their existence. So once again, we must look more deeply into what it means to be human if we are to realize the deepest longings of our divine destiny.

We begin with our belief in duality instead of Oneness. It is not easy to go from thinking of ourselves as separate from nature, from other people, and even from our dream content to the realization that we are one inseparable part of all Creation in both time and space. But that is the Truth. Quite a stretch, we know. But in order to make changes, we need to navigate with a more accurate map, a spiritual map.

“Regarding this spiritual map, it seems useful to think of Freud and Jung, both of whom hypothesized that the radical experience of a people’s far past could be encoded within the minds of succeeding generations–though, of course, Freud could not accept Jung’s theory of how such inheritance might be transmitted, preferring ‘memory traces’ to Jung’s ‘collective unconscious.’”[i]


Supplemental Reading:
The Collective Unconscious, The ABC’s of Simple Reality, Vol 1


#60 Morphic Resonance

[i]       Turner, Frederick. “The Terror of the Wilderness.” American Heritage. February 1977, p. 61.

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