Truth #74 – Beyond Time and Space: Time

One of the aspects of the old paradigm which has no basis in Reality is time itself which is purely a human construct invented in order that we could measure our experience in the material world and thus gain the illusion of control. “If you stare long enough at your analog clock, your thinking can grow dark. The contamination of the earth. The possible world we will wake to when this current disaster is over. Perhaps the clock is a marker of our arrogance, a record of our insistence that we own and dominate everything, from water to animals to hours.”[i]

Insightful sages over millennia have warned of letting ourselves be mesmerized by the illusion of “having, doing and knowing,” the pursuit of plenty, pleasure and power, in the self-narrated story in a context of time. Allowing ourselves to be time-driven increases the frightening specters in our nightmare. “But if you stare longer, your mind will keep moving beyond those dark thoughts, beyond all thought. You will stay, instead of rising to meet your churn of responsibilities. You will wait (for what?) in the beauty of the pause, in the ever-shifting emptiness. You will feel the earth spin, time unwinding unheeded, while you sit and do nothing.”[ii]


Supplemental Reading: Time


#74 Beyond Time and Space

[i]       Unferth, Deb Olin. “Analog Clocks.” The New York Times Magazine. May 10, 2020, p. 15.

[ii]       Ibid.

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