Perennial Philosophy

The term “perennial philosophy” was coined by Leibniz and made famous by Aldous Huxley. The content of the great religions includes both the imminent and the transcendent.

The transcendent aspect refers to the “non-duality” of ultimate reality (P-A). The absolute (as opposed to the relative) is neither one nor many, neither changing nor permanent, neither separate nor unified. It is, in short, beyond any opposites and indeed beyond mental conceptualization. It can be sensed however or realized. It can be talked about in the language of paradox and pairs of opposites, for example, we referred to it above as both imminent and transcendent.

Using secular language, the perennial philosophy is:

  1.   A creative intelligence exists.
  2.   This creative intelligence is found within each and every person.
  3.   Most of us are not conscious of the omnipresence or energy of this
    creative intelligence because we are in the thrall of the illusion of P-B.
  4.   There is a way out of the ignorance of P-B and the suffering caused by that story.
  5.   If we each follow this plan, Simple Reality, we can experience the insight
    into P-A as well as the present moment which is liberating.
  6.   In the present moment there is no suffering but only the experience of P-A
    or Simple Reality.
  7.   In the present moment we act with compassion for all of Creation.
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