Truth #44 – Creating Community: Integration and Disintegration

It’s hard for most of us to admit our role in the approaching chaos unfolding in the Global Village. Nevertheless, “we create our own Reality” is a Transcendent Truth both for individuals and collectives. It is also difficult, given the apparent complexity and severity of the challenges facing the human community, to believe that we can change direction and solve all the problems the few are creating.

What are the choices in creating a human community? There are basically two. We can emphasize what people have in common honoring the Reality that, fundamentally, every human being is exactly like every other human being. Or we can stress the differences among people labeling those with different skin pigmentation, religion, ethnicity or sexual identity as the other. Both strategies can work, but in the first, we put our eggs in the basket of compassion, which for most of us seems to be difficult. In the second choice, we put our eggs in the basket of fear, which unfortunately seems much easier to do.

Fortunately, the first choice is supported by the Reality of Oneness, meaning all of Creation is inter-connected, inter-related and inter-dependent. “This interdependence is not a flaw in the human condition; it’s our great strength. Some evolutionary biologists argue that our uniquely broad range of intellectual and emotional capacities results from our tribal solicitude toward the weak, for instance to our children, who take an astonishingly long time to reach adulthood compared with other mammals. When your species is this interwoven, when there’s so much to be patient and forgiving about, virtues like empathy, kindness and sensitivity are adaptive for both individual and group survival.”[i]

Putting our eggs in the basket of fear is a reaction caused by a delusional worldview; it has led to a history of disintegration. Choosing to respond to the worldview of Oneness, the process of integration, would ironically be a much easier way to create a sustainable community.


Supplemental Reading:
Integration and Disintegration, The ABC’s of Simple Reality, Vol 1.


#44 Creating Community

[i]       Corbin, Ian Marcus. “There’s No Shame in Weakness.” The New York Times. November 8, 2020, p. 6.

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